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Causes of Diabetes during Pregnancy

Causes of Diabetes during Pregnancy

Niyati Thole204 23-Jun-2022

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes (GE) is a type of diabetes. This condition occurs when a pregnant woman's blood sugar level becomes too high. GD is usually 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. occurs in weeks. beginning

 GD doesn't mean you had diabetes before you got pregnant. This condition is caused by pregnancy. Women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have difficulties with pregnancy.

 How Common Is Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy?

Between 2% and 10% of pregnant women in the United States develop gestational diabetes.

 What Causes Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is caused by hormonal changes and the way our bodies convert food into energy.

 A hormone called insulin breaks down the glucose in food and delivers it to our cells. Insulin keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level. However, if insulin is not working properly or there is a lack of insulin, sugar builds up in the blood and leads to diabetes.

 During pregnancy, hormones can interfere with the action of insulin. Failure to properly regulate blood sugar levels can lead to gestational diabetes.

 Who is at risk for gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes can occur in any pregnant woman. However, women over the age of 25 with African, Asian, Hispanic, Native American or Pacific ancestry are at increased risk. other factors that can increase your chances of getting it

 GD includes:

 Heart disease. High blood pressure. Not active. obesity. GD personal or family history. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The previous birth of a baby is 9 kg or more.

What are the symptoms of gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes does not usually cause symptoms. However, some women experience:

 pollakiuria. nausea. thirst. weakness.

 How should I change my diet if I have gestational diabetes?

You may need to adjust your diet to manage gestational diabetes. To try:

 Avoid junk foods, processed foods, and sweet drinks. Choose a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat. Eat small meals more often. Schedule meals at the same time each day.

How can I exercise safely during pregnancy?

Exercise helps your body use more glucose and can lower your blood sugar. If you have gestational diabetes, talk to your doctor about developing a safe exercise plan. The exercise plan should be tailored to individual needs, including:

 years. Pre-pregnancy fitness level. General health. weight.

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